So I am happy to say the tiling is finished. I think it came out beautifully if I do say so myself… BUT what an endeavor. Once we had tackled the learning curve things moved pretty quickly. Well, as quickly as two people with full time jobs and one of them traveling for work a lot can do.
The only step to finishing the kitchen floor is baseboards and shoe molding. The half bathroom still needs some touch up paint and then the baseboards and shoe molding. Then we can get the toilet out of our living room and put it back where it belongs. You never realize how nice it is to have a toilet so close until is is out of order and you have to run all the way upstairs to take care of business.
Once the flooring in the living room is finished I can start working on all the small tasks like:
1. Upper kitchen cabinets
2. Kitchen island
3. Wood counter tops
3. Laundry room cabinets and drying rack
4. Mud room cabinets
5. Kitchen table and benches
6. Stools for kitchen island
7. Wanes coating for back-splash
I am sure I’m missing a half dozen to a million other things I need to cross of my list till I can call this project complete. The good news is that as we complete each step along the way you can watch the transformation from blah to BAM!!!
Ok, so that might of been a little over kill but whats a guy to do. Well I am off to work and will keep you posted as the project moves along.