Category: Update

Just a quick update on whats going on at Merzke Custom Woodworking

Just a little update…

So I am happy to say the tiling is finished. I think it came out beautifully if I do say so myself… BUT what an endeavor. Once we had tackled the learning curve things moved pretty quickly. Well, as quickly as two people with…

How did you spend your easter weekend?

Well I can tell you how Kelly and I spent it… laying some tile. It’s been two day and we still not quite finished. We have been trading out laying the tile to give each others back a break. We finally are to a point…

Once again… a bigger project than we thought!!!

Me and Kelly have a habit of going big when it comes to projects (or just about anything). We don’t realize the full extent of the project until we are to far in to back out. I had a four day trip for work…