Category: Update

Just a quick update on whats going on at Merzke Custom Woodworking

A week off work to be in the shop to work!

The week before last I took some leave from the Army to get a couple of commission jobs done for clients. The plan was simple, I would wake up and hit the shop just like I would if it was my full-time job. But…

Time to upgrade a bit

It would seem that I’m either organizing or improving my shop all the time in some way shape or form. So much so that a good amount of my available shop time gets spent fiddling around and tweaking things to make the layout fit my…

Woodworking and Our Global Economy

I’m not sure if it’s everywhere, but you hear the debate going on here in America from time to time about things being manufactured locally. Automobiles and motorcycles seem to be the big items everyone wants to  chime in about. But then the other…