Category: Update

Just a quick update on whats going on at Merzke Custom Woodworking

Is it that time of year again already?

It’s crazy how it just seemed like yesterday I was dragging out the Christmas Tree to dispose of it. Now all of a sudden I’m starting to see stores starting to put up their Christmas and Holiday wares. I even heard rumor that a…

The live addition to the shop tour

A few months ago I made a short video from photos I had taken of my shop. I had been asked by a couple people to do a shop tour video and I thought at the time that it would fit the bill… well…

Just a couple updates and the Scrap Bin Challenge 2014

So lately I haven’t had the free time to take on any big projects. I was able to get a great deal on lathe so I had to move a couple things around to make room for that. With that I needed a storage…